Laravel Breeze with BootstrapI just released guizoxxv/laravel-breeze-bootstrap, a package that provides Bootstrap scaffolding to Laravel Breeze.Jul 14, 2024Jul 14, 2024
Eloquent model timestamp updated without changesWhen performing an update, Laravel's Eloquent ORM only touches the timestamp (updated_at) when something was modified. However, depending…Jun 18, 2024Jun 18, 2024
Soft Delete e Unique ConstraintAo utilizar o mecanismo de soft delete no banco de dados, você pode encontrar uma situação em que um registro com unique contraint foi…Dec 8, 2023Dec 8, 2023
Typing Vue inject with object destructuringI recently started using the Composition API from Vue.js and I struggled to use typings with the Provide / Inject functionality.Feb 13, 20231Feb 13, 20231
Soft Delete and Unique ConstraintWhen using the soft delete mechanism on the database, you might run into a situation where a record with a unique constraint was deleted…Jan 16, 20224Jan 16, 20224
Disparando Lambda através do Kinesis localmente com AWS SAMVersão em inglês: 11, 20211Feb 11, 20211
Invoking Lambda with Kinesis locally with AWS SAMSAM (AWS Serverless Application Model) is an open-source framework build on top of AWS infrastructure as code (IaC) service CloudFormation…Feb 11, 2021Feb 11, 2021
Published inb2w engineeringCompartilhando chaves AES utilizando RSA com OpenSSLSe você trabalha com desenvolvimento backend moderno, é inevitável que um dia você vai integrar sua aplicação com serviços externos…Sep 23, 2020Sep 23, 2020
Published inb2w engineering -enSharing AES Key using RSA with OpenSSLIf you work with modern backend development it is inevitable that one day you’ll integrate your application with external services. When…Sep 23, 20201Sep 23, 20201
NestJS with MongoDB native driverLet’s build a application with NestJS and MongoDB.Jun 13, 20206Jun 13, 20206